Summer of Serving....Don't forget to wear a bathing suit and to bring a towel for the Splash Pad!

HBC Kids
Yesterday in Summer to Serve, Mrs. Barb taught about serving with a glad (not grumpy) heart! They learned that their actions can ripple out to the whole world!
Then the kids made cards for elderly or those who are sick and hurting. We will deliver the cards & put our rocks around the community next Thursday. Even if you weren’t able to come today, you can still come join us next week! (We will also be visiting Port Neches Spray Park.)
We finished the day with some bouncing and snacks!
Welcome to the group! You can get updates about children events and lessons. This group is for parents/families of kids PreK-3rd Grade.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The first family in the world introduced us to the disfunction and brokenness of relationships that every family has struggled with since the fall. Adam and Eve had two sons--Cain and Abel. Both young men brought an offering to the Lord, but only Abel’s was accepted. Cain became furious. God warned Cain to resist sin and said that if Cain did what was right, he would be accepted. Instead, Cain chose to lure his brother into a field and kill him. Instead of resisting sin, Cain embraced it and broke his relationship with his brother and his parents. Cain’s sin resulted in a lifetime of wandering the earth. Thankfully, our actions cannot destroy God’s redeeming plans. Adam and Eve had a third son, Seth, who was an ancestor of Jesus--the only One who can restore the relationships we destroy with our sin. Invite family members to think about…