Session 11:
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Judges 4 introduces us to the one and only female judge in the book of Judges. Deborah was known for sitting under a palm tree so the Israelites could see her for help settling disputes. One day Deborah summoned Barak. The Lord had told Barak to go to fight the troops of Israel’s current oppressor, King Jabin of Canaan. But for some reason, Barak had yet to go. After talking with Deborah, Deborah and Barak set out for Mount Tabor to fight Jabin’s army. Read how God helped Israel in Judges 4:14-16. Then discuss the questions on the back of this week’s Family Card. You can also check out more family resources for this week at Explore the Bible: At Home.
Bible Passage: Judges 4–5
Memory Verse: Romans 3:23
Bible Verse: 1 John 5:3
Younger Kids Text Truth: We should obey God’s commands.
Older Kids Text Truth: We should obey God’s commands and encourage others to obey God too.