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HBC Kids

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Dear Parents/Guardians,

As Jesus traveled, ministering and preaching the good news, He saw that the people were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus instructed the disciples that the harvest was abundant, but the workers were few, so they needed to pray for God to send workers into the harvest. Briefly review today’s Bible story with your family. Remind family members that the harvest represents people who need to hear the gospel. Spend time as a family praying for people (including your family) to share the gospel. Then discuss the questions. You can also check out more family resources for this week on the Ministry Grid.


Dear Parents/Guardians,

The prophet Isaiah promised that a voice would cry out in the wilderness, preparing the people for the arrival of the Messiah. Matthew 3 reveals that this voice was John the Baptist. John preached that people needed to repent of their sin. But the religious leaders did not fully understand their need for a Savior. John called them to also repent and no longer rely on their identity as Israelites for salvation. As a family, read Matthew 3:3 and Acts 3:19. Then discuss the questions. You can also check out more on the Ministry Grid!

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Here is the invitation to our annual Happy Birthday Jesus Sunday School party! Please feel free to save it and share it with your friends and family. We will celebrate with family, friends, games, cake, piñata, and gifts! We will be discussing the gifts that WE can bring to Jesus.

*diaper gift is optional and in no way required to attend the party!


Dear Parents/Guardians,

This week, boys and girls examined Matthew’s brief account of the birth of Jesus and Luke’s more detailed account. Long ago, the prophet Micah promised that a ruler for Israel would be born in the small town of Bethlehem. God kept that promise by working through the actions of an earthly ruler who ordered a census. Mary and Joseph found themselves in Bethlehem when Mary gave birth to her firstborn Son and laid Him in a manger. Read the story of Jesus’ birth as a family. Then discuss the questions. You can also check out more family resources for this week on the Ministry Grid link.



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